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PherDal At Home Insemination Kit - 3 pack, Patented, Sterile, FDA cleared

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The only FDA-cleared and 100% sterile solution

  • 3 Chances to Conceive Per Kit: 3 sterile syringes and 3 sterile cups for a safe and accessible experience in the privacy of your home.

  • REI & OB/GYN recommended: New first line of fertility treatment. Our patented sterile technology combined with clinically validated methods allows fertility treatment to take place for the first time in the comfort and privacy of your home.

HOW IT WORKS: The PherDal Kit's patented sterile syringe delivers sperm directly to the cervix, bypassing any potential interference between sperm and egg - making it ideal for those trying to conceive. By placing fresh or thawed sperm just 1 inch lower than IUI, at the cervical opening, we empower couples and individuals to take their fertility into their own hands- literally. 

EASY & PAINLESS: If you’ve used a tampon, you can use our at home insemination kit. On your three most fertile days of one cycle:

  1. COLLECT: Place your semen sample in our patented round-bottomed jar that doesn't leave a drop behind. 

  2. INSERT: Our syringes are the longest on the market, with a patented end that gently delivers sperm directly to the cervical opening. 

  3. CONCEIVE: Afterward, lie down for 15-30 minutes, and you're done. Rest easy knowing that our FDA clearance ensures that our kit is safe and effective and the only sterile option for insemination. 

WHY IT WORKS:  The key to our success rate is our patented sterility and ultra-smooth Insemination Syringe, which uses clinical precision to place more sperm at the cervical opening, increasing the probability of a successful conception. 

WHY NOT TRY? No medications. No appointments. Just a little help getting sperm to meet the egg. With no other sterile insemination kit on the market, PherDal could be the little fertility boost you need to help grow your family.

Q: Is PherDal right for me?


The PherDal® At-Home Insemination Kit is indicated for over-the-counter home use, by individuals who have been unable to conceive through intercourse or have chosen not to conceive through intercourse, for semen collection and the delivery of semen to the vaginal canal. The PherDal® At-Home Insemination Kit should be used during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle.


If you’ve been diagnosed with any of the following conditions: no sperm in semen (azoospermia), blocked fallopian tubes, loss of fallopian tubes due to surgeries, or if you’ve had a hysterectomy. In the presence of Active pelvic infection, sexually transmitted disease, Pregnancy, Intrauterine device, Prior Uterine perforation, Azoospermia (a condition where there is no sperm in the semen), Blocked fallopian tubes, Hysterectomy or loss of fallopian tubes.

How many cycles does it take?

THE PHERDAL® AT-HOME INSEMINATION KIT can be used up to 6 months. Do not continue use if pregnancy has not resulted after 6 months of use; instead, consult your healthcare professional.

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    Why PherDal?


      We are the only 100% sterile pathogen free at home fertility kit and have two utility patents to back it up. You don't want to use anything else.

    • FDA Cleared

      REI & OB/GYN recommended because we passed the most rigorous clinical testing of any kit with patented IVF grade materials and clinically validated methods.


      Declared a substantial equivalent to intrauterine insemination (IUI) and the only kit that maintains the fertility clinic's sterility.


      Bypass bacterial conditions by delivering sperm directly to the opening of the cervix with the only sterile insemination syringe on the market.

    1 in 5 Struggle to Conceive. We're changing that.

    We Support You — Always.

    Hear from our PherDal Family

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 13 reviews

    I am so thankful a friend told me about PherDal and spared me from another emotional/financial roller coaster with IVF. It was also really important to me to have a sterile kit. Giving PherDal a try turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life 🌈

    Before IVF we had a Pherdal BFP!!

    I currently have an almost 6 month old PherDal baby (photo attached )! We started using PherDal while struggling with secondary infertility. We used it for a few cycles while waiting for a referral to a fertility clinic and then while waiting to begin an IVF cycle. After 15 months of trying to conceive, we were about to start IVF. I had my first medication ready to go and was just waiting on my period…except I got a positive pregnancy test instead.
    We are beyond grateful for PherDal, and I recommend it to people all the time!

    TTC 6 years before PherDal

    I have the best news!! My partner bought Pherdal for me as a birthday gift last year to try as a last resort for conceiving at home, before going to a fertility clinic after 6 years of ups and downs!! First and only cycle using Pherdal in March 2021, we conceived our rainbow baby boy who is due any day now…Z****** S**** is making my dream to be a mother finally come true and that’s all thanks to your amazing product!! I want Pherdal to succeed!! 🌈 ✨ 💖 💖 ✨ 🌈

    Our Rainbow is here after years with secondary infertility

    Hello PherDal family,
    I’ve waited almost 10 months to send this email, and the wait has been worth every minute! We have finally completed our family with our second daughter (our beautiful rainbow baby) after struggling for a couple years with secondary infertility and pregnancy loss.
    We are so thankful to the PherDal team and product for helping us to achieve our dream. <3 R's

    PherDal was the best decision we made to help us start a family!

    My husband and I knew we needed assistance getting pregnant early on in our journey and I made inquiries into local fertility clinics to see what our options were. My sister had infertility issues as well and was helping me research our next steps. She sent me the link to the PherDal website and my husband and I decided to try PherDal for a few months before we moved forward with more expensive and time consuming fertility procedures such as IUI and IVF. The kit directions were straightforward and easy to follow. We were pregnant our second month using PherDal and delivered our beautiful girl nine months later! We are beyond thankful for PherDal, saving us a great deal of time, energy, and money, during our pregnancy journey. There is no doubt in our mind we will use PherDal if we want to have additional children in the future. It was the best decision we made to help us start a family!

    So Simple - yet so life changing!

    I tried other syringes and kits. I don’t know how to tell you the STERILE MATTERS. One month with PherDal and we got our BFP!!!! Finally! So thankful I for the science behind PherDal which made the difference!! Can’t wait to see our little baby before the end of the year!!!