How to Get Pregnant During Perimenopause: It Is Possible!

How to Get Pregnant During Perimenopause: It Is Possible!

Perimenopause is defined as the phase where a woman’s body begins the transition into menopause, with “peri-” meaning “around” or “near.” The onset age for both of these stages varies, though perimenopause typically occurs in the late 30s/early 40s with menopause following in the mid 40s/early 50s for about a decade. 

Obviously, there’s A LOT going on in our bodies during this time, and the limbo of perimenopause has its own unique quirks. One of the biggest adjustments is the gradual decrease in estrogen production from the ovaries, which in turn leads to a sporadic menstrual cycle and subsequent drop in fertility. 

However, this doesn’t translate to automatic infertility when you enter perimenopause: you can still get pregnant, with a little assistance. While there are a few added obstacles to having a baby later in life, it’s not impossible. 

We’ve come a long way in fertility science, so much so that at-home insemination kits are becoming a viable option for many couples and single mothers by choice. You can take steps to actively improve your chances of conceiving, in addition to utilizing a tool such as PherDal’s one-and-only FDA-cleared, 100% sterile IVI kit

Here’s your one-stop guide for how to get pregnant during perimenopause!

Step 1: Understand Your (and Your Partner’s/Donor’s) Biology

The trickiest aspect of trying to get pregnant during perimenopause is how unpredictable the menstrual cycle becomes, especially if your periods are already fairly inconsistent. With an ever-evolving cycle to worry about, you can’t let tracking your ovulation turn into a guessing game. By using science-backed methods, you’ll get reliable and repeatable results you can count on. 

In fact, ovulation tracking can help us better understand these ups and downs as they happen. Since every cycle that goes by without insight is a lost opportunity to take a step towards pregnancy, the pressure is really on if you’re also feeling the symptoms of perimenopause (irregular periods, mood swings, problems sleeping, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, etc.). 

In addition, male factor infertility might be the culprit, so it’s equally important that your partner or donor is evaluated by their doctor for any potential illnesses or conditions that interfere with the reproductive system’s ability to get things done. Even your genetics may play a role, so it’s important that both participants be informed and healthy! That involves timing your tries based on your ovulation window and going to regular checkups.

Step 2: Implement Lifestyle Changes as Required

A key takeaway from those aforementioned medical appointments is knowing what actions are necessary on your part to increase your odds of conceiving. This could include things like eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, and limiting caffeine and alcohol. These are all things that boost your overall wellness and help you maintain peak health throughout the journey.  

And, of course, it’s still beneficial to consult with your physician to see how your daily routine interacts with your natural ability to get pregnant. Every person’s body is a little different, and when it comes to how to get pregnant during perimenopause, your doctor may be able to give you tips that apply to your unique chemistry and physiology. They can also be a solid source for input on different prenatal supplements and vitamins if you want to incorporate specific holistic methods, so keep them in the loop. 

Step 3: Consider Fertility Treatment Options and Costs

If all else fails, there are different treatments for perimenopausal infertility, comprising a wide range of pricing, intrusion, and effectiveness. 

Traditionally, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) have dominated treatment circles because they are the historically familiar options that can help in extreme cases. However, these procedures must be done in a clinical setting with lots of preparation: hormone injections, fertility medications, bloodwork samples, and physical exams across multiple weeks or months of appointments are just some of the myriad details you can expect. 

On top of that, IVF and IUI exact much more than just a personal toll; they’re also a financial drain. Hopeful parents are often blindsided by just how expensive fertility treatments are. IVF exceeds $20,000 per round while IUI boasts a $3,000-$5,000 price tag for just one attempt. My own experience with IUI following my unexplained infertility diagnosis was short-lived after we realized it would cost us $10,000 to start a family. Seems absurd? It is! Yet this is the reality for thousands of people.

The limitations of ART in the face of infertility can be discouraging, to say the very least. Both personally and financially, IVF and IUI aren’t always the best recourse for certain patients, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to have a baby. Insurance coverage or lack thereof as a barrier to care isn’t just heartbreaking—it’s unfair. This is why alternative fertility tools are so vital in closing gaps and expanding horizons for anyone who wants to get pregnant.

Step 4: Order Your PherDal IVI Kit

On second thought, maybe just skip to step four! Beyond IVF and IUI, you do have a third choice that’s also your first, best, most affordable option: at-home artificial insemination. 

We now have access to step-by-step kits for individual use that enable those affected by infertility to turn the tides. The catch? Not all insemination kits are up to par. You want to look for cleanliness and functionality as you shop, but we can save you that hassle with a helpful tip… Shop PherDal!

Our at-home insemination kit is designed for intravaginal insemination (IVI), which deposits sperm at the entrance of the cervix using a needleless syringe. The PherDal IVI kit includes three of these applicators, along with three collection cups, for the maximum number of attempts to get pregnant in one product. We’ve also earned FDA clearance and patented 100% sterility—the only company of our kind to do so. It won’t impact your vaginal microbiome thanks to our guaranteed sterility, so you can rest assured that you’re doing everything right for your body as you work on getting pregnant.

At less than $200 per kit, ours stands apart as the most cost-efficient fertility intervention there is. Plus, it delivers the invaluable peace of mind that accompanies proven science and a commitment to quality. Perimenopause isn’t truly the end of your reproductive years when you have the PherDal IVI kit on your side. 

Perimenopause, Meet PherDal

If you’re struggling to figure out how to get pregnant during perimenopause, now is the perfect time to take control of your options and advocate for yourself—and we’re right here with you! I know what it feels like to be told you’re unable to have the baby you’ve been wishing for, but I also know that it might just take a small boost to finally conceive and prove them wrong. Our at-home IVI kit could be the difference maker for you.

PherDal was founded on the principle that everyone deserves to have safe, affordable fertility options. If you need support to get there, we’ve got you, with our life-changing and life-creating insemination kit, plenty of resources, and a community of PherDal families who are eager to welcome you into the fold. 

Perimenopause may feel like a window is closing, but safe fertility options like PherDal can make all the difference.