how to get pregnant with unexplained infertility

How to Get Pregnant with Unexplained Infertility

Becoming a parent is a dream shared by so many people, yet for some of us, the journey is painfully drawn out by unexplained infertility. And what a diagnosis! Your doctors tell you, “We have no idea why you can’t get pregnant… so you must need an expensive solution.” 

That’s no clear way to solve the problem, and it’s why an unexplained infertility diagnosis can be both heartbreaking and deal-breaking for potential parents looking for answers.

And the reality is, unexplained infertility isn’t rare. It represents up to a third of all infertility diagnoses, but your doctors are right about one thing: it isn’t the end of the road. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)—as well as advancements in at-home options to improve your fertility odds—can help you achieve your dream as long as you understand the investment and what you’re getting into.

The thing is, just because a procedure costs a lot and happens in a hospital doesn’t make it the first, best choice. Sometimes, all it takes is a little extra help that you can manage yourself in the privacy of your own home. So, if you’re trying to figure out how to get pregnant with unexplained infertility being a factor, and you’d rather not break the bank (or your heart) as you start exploring options, PherDal’s insemination kit for personal use could be right for you!

Expensive… but Essential?

When you think about infertility interventions for people who struggle to conceive, you probably picture in vitro fertilization (IVF) or even intrauterine insemination (IUI). Unfortunately, both of these treatments are invasive, in-clinic procedures that are usually the first recommended course of action for couples or single mothers by choice dealing with unexplained infertility. 

The idea is to help sperm skip a few laps in the pool on a long swim to the waiting egg, though it can come at a steep price. Out-of-pocket costs associated with these doctor-led infertility treatments are the primary reason why some of these services are off the table for hopeful future families. 

Take it from me: following my own unexplained infertility diagnosis, my doctor immediately steered my husband and me in the direction of IUI, to the tune of $10,000. IVF is at least double that per cycle. The thousands of dollars of debt might have been worth it if either approach was guaranteed, but with an average IUI conception rate of only 13% in women under age 35, it just didn’t add up for us to start with an expensive and invasive option when all the tests were normal and they had no idea what was causing my infertility. 

That’s why we set our sights on creating a more private and affordable choice. Yes, I absolutely did it for me to solve my own infertility. But once it worked, that’s when we set out to give it to everyone! By expanding the available options for infertility, IVF and IUI won’t continue to price people out of their dreams.

Smart, Sleek, and Accessible

For those in the process of unpacking how to get pregnant with unexplained infertility, there’s another, often not even offered option to consider that has a similar success rate as IUI while being much more affordable: at-home insemination. This is a rapidly expanding market, and there are a LOT of companies putting out sub-par kits as fast as they can to take advantage. It’s important to pick products that are guaranteed sterile and FDA-cleared to ensure you have a positive and safe experience. 

But how can an individual possibly filter through all the options to decide on what’s best for their unique fertility needs? As someone who’s truly been in your shoes, I had to do exactly that. Let me save you the extra time and frustration.

The IVI kit from PherDal is your #1 ally against unexplained infertility. In fact, it’s the only kit out there that meets FDA-cleared standards for clinically validated methods, materials, effectiveness, and hygiene, being 100% sterile and engineered to work with your body to deliver the best results possible.

Hard to believe we’re the only kit that’s met these basic standards? Well… that’s exactly why we started PherDal. Because before ours, there wasn’t one. 

What’s an IVI Kit?

IVI stands for intravaginal insemination. This means that the sperm gets deposited at the entrance of the cervix via a needleless syringe or applicator, bypassing the vagina to ensure that the semen sample is given a fighting chance at fertilizing an egg. The syringe or applicator is inserted much like a tampon before pushing down on the plunger to release the semen at the opening of the cervix. Did you know that, naturally, only 1% of sperm actually make it through the cervix on their own? That’s why we designed the PherDal syringe to be the longest on the market. Plus, the tip is designed to meet the cervix and push sperm through the cervical opening so the maximum number of those little guys gets on the final run to the egg.

PherDal’s IVI kit gives you everything you need to begin your journey to fertility in the comfort of your own home. No lengthy paperwork, pricey medications, painful testing, or uncomfortable exams. Instead, you’re empowered to keep things personal so you can start your family on your own terms.

Why Is PherDal’s Kit Different?

I’m far too proud of our product to be modest here. Ours is a standout kit because I’ve ensured that we keep the same rigorous and science-backed standards I’ve applied for years in the lab as a Ph.D.-holding biologist and published researcher (psst—that’s the “Ph.D.” in “PherDal”!). We’ve surpassed the competition to be the only kit that’s earned FDA clearance AND 100% sterility. Each kit comes with three syringes and three collection cups, so you get multiple separate attempts to conceive each cycle. 

My husband and I used our professional knowledge (he’s a mechanical engineer) to design the perfect insemination kit, which allowed us to achieve our goal of starting a family. It still hasn’t hit me that we’ve actually developed an alternative infertility intervention that prioritizes autonomy, affordability, and safety. Now, that same kit is helping families everywhere share in the PherDal dream. 

Your Partner in Overcoming Unexplained Infertility

Nowadays, we’ve moved beyond the default ART like IVF and IUI. Insemination kits are often the first, best answer for those yearning to understand how to get pregnant with unexplained infertility in the mix. And with PherDal’s IVI kit, you’ll get a product that’s designed to give you the best possible chance to safely succeed. 

PherDal Fertility Science was founded because of my own unexplained infertility diagnosis, and in the last three years since we completely sold out of our first 200 proof-of-concept kits, we’ve seen such amazing results from people whose lives have been forever changed by PherDal’s IVI method. This underrated technique may be deceivingly simple but could also be all that’s standing between you and your positive pregnancy test. Our IVI kit preserves the intimacy of conception without compromising quality, so your experience stays just that: yours. 

And if you’d like to ask any questions—whether it’s about tracking ovulation, cracking male factor infertility, or you’d just like a little more information about PherDal—we’re here for you. Ask us anything, and we mean anything. In the meantime, our at-home insemination kit is waiting for you to try now!