At-home intracervical insemination (ICI) kits are becoming the go-to first-round option for hopeful parents struggling with infertility issues. At around $200 for three attempts and solid success rates, they’re nowhere near as expensive or invasive as doctor-led procedures like intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) which can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.
While it’s true that many ICI kits on the market don’t come close to the highest standards of health and safety you should expect, the top manufacturers are delivering FDA-cleared products that are meeting higher standards than ever. Yesterday’s unregulated kits contained generic syringes and unsterilized packaging that made them unreliable and unhealthy to use.
Fortunately, ICI kits now require FDA clearance so there are general standards in place, and there’s only one that’s solved the problem of unsterilized packaging—ours! In fact, there are a lot of significant advantages the PherDal kit offers prospective parents to maximize their chances of conceiving, and at the top of the list is our needleless at-home insemination syringe.
First Things First—There’s No Needle!
The word “syringe” makes people cringe, and believe me, I get it. I was a pin cushion for my best friend during phlebotomy training, but I’m definitely the exception, not the rule! And if you’ve ever seen the catheter for an IUI procedure, it’s no wonder the process takes a trained medical professional in a clinic: they’re over eight inches long and have to go through a small cervical opening on the inside!
Let’s clear this up right now—an ICI kit’s syringe has no needle. An effective kit will have a contoured tip that’s designed with your natural internal physiology in mind to ensure it’s always safe and comfortable to use with no prior experience or nurse in the room.
How ICI Syringes Work
During traditional conception, sperm is released into the vagina, but they still have to find their way to the cervix on their own. 99.9% will die before they ever make it through the cervix even though 15-200 million are released at once. If your partner has a low sperm count or your bodies have incompatible microbiomes, your odds of conception can drop off dramatically from these already low chances.
An ICI syringe is designed to skip past the vaginal microbiome and get as much sperm as possible directly to your cervical opening. By passing over the part of the process that could be hard to swim in, you can release over 95% of the sample to the cervix directly making the final swim for those little guys much shorter to get to the waiting egg.
That’s a huge advantage over traditional conception, and it’s why PherDal has been a part of my own success story and so many other families. It’s minimally invasive, can be done safely in the privacy of your own home, and delivers a huge boost to your chances of success.
Designing a Syringe for ICI Success
When I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility, I was angry. Our doctor told us the best option to becoming parents was to spend $10,000 on IUI before we would need to move to IVF, and there was no guarantee any of this would even work.
Well, we didn’t like either choice, and we decided to use our professional training to tackle the problem! If the obvious first step was making it easier for sperm to reach the cervix, that seemed like a manageable challenge—so we set to work developing our very own ICI kit.
That’s how PherDal—and my child—were born!
A Contoured Tip
The cervix is a small sphere at the back of your vagina that has an indented hole in the center (imagine a donut and you’ll get the idea). The tip of the PherDal syringe matches the size and shape of your cervix so sperm is pushed through—not just onto—the cervical opening. However, while it has a directed tip, it’s built to work with your body even if you have no experience using one. And believe me, comfort was very important. I was the first PherDal user!
That’s why it’s so much more effective than other ICI syringes on the market advertising slit openings that don’t really do anything. Ours is designed with a lightly raised, wide-open tip that encourages sperm motility and helps push it through the cervix. That’s the difference between marketing a product—and creating an effective one.
100% Guaranteed Sterile
All IVI kits and ICI kits are required by law to be FDA-cleared, but believe it or not, PherDal is the only one that is guaranteed to be 100% clean and sterile. As both a scientist and a mother, I would never give anything to you that I wouldn’t use on my own body. Every advantage helps when you’re trying to conceive, and nobody should ever have to take a health risk as a part of this process.
Designed for Your Comfort
An ICI “syringe” can sound intimidating, but the fact is, they should be as easy and familiar to use as a tampon applicator. The PherDal syringe is designed to give you the agency, confidence, and autonomy you need to be successful. Plus, it’s got two finger loops so you’re in total control every step of the way.
Our syringe is the only one long enough to get the sperm all the way to your cervix. It matches your body and makes sure you get the most out of each and every try.
A Total Package
Even if you have the perfect at-home insemination syringe, every kit needs a few extra components. PherDal is the only kit that gives you the collection cups and materials to make three separate, 100%-sterile attempts, so you always have the most ideal conditions for conception.
Plus, with PherDal’s additional resources like our ovulation tracking workbook, you’ll be able to bring everything together to achieve the best possible results.
No Need(le) to Worry with PherDal
I used PherDal to overcome the unexplained infertility diagnosis that left me pissed off and questioning if I was able to even become a mother. On top of that, I was told I would need to spend my future child’s college fund on a shot at conceiving with IUI and IVF. That’s why I used my science background to design the only sterile at-home insemination syringe so that I could give ICI a try first—and it worked!
Now, as the mother of two beautiful children, I’m proud to offer hopeful parents the same chance I had with the only ICI kit out there that’s FDA-cleared and 100% sterile. Everyone deserves to have an option that is designed with their physical, emotional, and future health and wellness in mind. That’s what PherDal is committed to delivering for you!
Learn more about PherDal, why we’re the only patented and 100%-sterile kit on the market, and why it’s the perfect first fertility option for starting your journey.